Sunday, September 28, 2014

Instagram Hiatus

I'm not sure what came over me, but last week I decided to take a 5-day hiatus from Instagram. I realized I am way too plugged in to social media and it's getting ridiculous. Instagram is my favorite platform, so I figured I'd start there. Next week I'm going without Facebook for 5 days. There's absolutely no way I can go cold turkey with no social media, so I'm trying one platform at a time. My journey is outlined below.

This first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check Facebook, Instagram, and emails. Not an ideal way to start my day. I cut about 5 minutes off my "laying in bed" time in the morning without Instagram.

I didn't miss Instagram until I was in bed for the night. I realized that the last thing I do before falling asleep and the first thing I do after waking up is check social media. This needs to stop!

Day 2
Day 2 was a little easier. I still found myself grabbing my phone and trying to open Instagram, but the app wasn't there!

It was hard when I would see posts from Instagram on Facebook or Twitter. It made me want to see more.

Day 3
Day 3 was harder than Day 2. I wouldn't say I had FOMO {Fear Of Missing Out}, but the fear of missing something going on in other friends' lives. It's so sad that the way we communicate has come down to what's posted on social media, and if you don't check social media, you don't know about their life.

I have spent way more time on Facebook the past 3 days than I have in a long time!

Day 4
The end is in sight! Just one more day!

Day 5
I was tempted a few different times throughout the day to just give up and call it close enough. I didn't! I struggled, but made it the full 5 days!

My grand plan in life was to take some time and get caught up on what I missed the past 5 days. Well...that plan was thwarted when Instagram apparently only goes back 24 hours. I didn't realize that until this morning. So, I really did miss out! I thought I would just be behind. I un-followed a few people/accounts that I really don't care to see anymore. Like everything in life, it's so hard to get sucked in and not see all the negativity and meaningless posts until I took a step back.

Next week is Facebook. I anticipate this being harder, just because I have so many things linked to Facebook, and there is a website AND app, not just an app. Stay tuned for how that goes!

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