Sunday, November 18, 2012

Home is Where the Heart Is

I recently spent five days at home in Iowa. It was so great to be HOME! I had just seen my parents, but I missed home (as weird as that sounds). I took the red eye flight, which at the time I thought was a genius idea. I had to work Saturday night, and  instead of wasting my whole day Sunday flying, I thought I could just fly while I slept Saturday night. I learned that I absolutely cannot, for the life of me, sleep on planes. I was beyond exhausted on Sunday morning when Dad picked me up at 6:00 (bless his heart)!! I went home, showered, consumed at least 4 cups of coffee, and had a full day of activities. Once I showered and drank like a gallon of coffee, I was just fine, but I was almost to the point of delusional when I got off the plane. My flight home for Christmas is also the red eye--the was the only option at the time I booked my tickets. Maybe I'll get better at sleeping on a plane before then?? Or just sleep all afternoon the day before I leave.

Some highlights of my trip include:

  • Spending time with my parents
  • Hanging out with the little brother (I kinda missed that kid)
  • Seeing my kiddos (I more than kinda missed them!!)
  • Seeing both my Grammas and Grampa
  • Seeing and spending time with a lot of extended family I hadn't seen in a while
  • Just being HOME
  • $1.50 pints! 
  • Driving my car and having the freedom to be on my own schedule!! (This one's a given)

Fun fact #1: I have turned into the wuss I wasn't going to. It was COLD in Iowa!! I was curled up on the couch in my slippers, sweater, and blanket and my mom was just fine where usually it's the opposite. I called my dad one day to ask him if I could trade him vehicles and park my car in his heated shed so it wouldn't freeze after I washed it. He kinda laughed and said it wouldn't freeze that day. I drove past the bank in town a few minutes later and it was 44 degrees... Uhhhh... 

Fun fact #2: Iowa is not even a little bit pretty this time of the year!!! 

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